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evenly distributed load中文是什么意思

用"evenly distributed load"造句"evenly distributed load"怎么读"evenly distributed load" in a sentence


  • 均布荷载
  • 均匀分布负载


  • 4 . according to results of planar analysis and three - dimensional analysis , comparisons of influences between different factors , long - term evenly distributed load and movable invariable load , planar analysis and three - dimensional analysis toward pipelines are carried out respectively . 5
  • According to the functionary times of transportation times and spatial location between pipelines and roads , three kinds of transportation load models are put forward , i . e . long - term evenly distributed load , movable invariable load and stable simple harmonic load . two common foundation models , linear elastic model and modified cambridge model are analyzed , and the former is selected as the model for soft soil in this paper . considering the application actuality and foreground of steel , steel pipeline is adopted as research object
用"evenly distributed load"造句  
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